Biology majors review an assignment with a biology professor in the ABLE lab

Academic Biology Learning Environment (ABLE)

From day one, you'll have a resource as you take your first intro biology courses to study individually or in groups, get tutoring, and to learn together with faculty.

What is available?

  • Learning Resources: Bones and skeletons; biological models (hearts, kidneys, muscle, bones, brains, blood vessels, eyes, ears, etc); manipulatives for studying complex processes (protein synthesis, inheritance, cell division, etc.); charts and posters; computer software; and more!
  • Microscopes and slides from lab courses
  • Books and workbooks
  • Faculty: Many faculty members of the Department of Biological and Allied Health Sciences will hold office hours at ABLE. See attached list.
  • Tutoring: Tutors from Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society and University Tutorial Services.
  • Review Sessions: Review sessions for A & P and Concepts in Biology.
  • Computers: Two computers with anatomy and histology software are available.

Who has access to ABLE?

ALL students enrolled in Concepts in Biology I, Anatomy & Physiology I and II. Access is currently through the back door to Columbia off the basketball court. If locked, you may enter by calling the Living Learning Community phone (389-2833) in the Columbia Residence Hall vestibule. You don't need to live in Columbia Hall or on campus to access ABLE. Please sign in when using ABLE resources.


ABLE is supported by a Bloomsburg University, TALE Center faculty grant.