Many popular algorithms in artificial intelligence (AI) are based on statistical methodologies.

Statistics (B.S.)

The Bureau of Labor reports approximately 33 percent of jobs are related to statistics. The median salary for these positions is $90,000 per year. Jobs related to statistics are expected to grow by 34% over the next 10 years making the profession even more attractive.

illustration of Carver Hall

Statistical methods are used in a wide variety of applications including manufacturing design, clinical trials, actuarial science, marketing, finance, weather prediction, sports, and education. Jobs related to statistics are consistently ranked high in job satisfaction by numerous publications and organizations.

Statisticians are in high demand and are often employed with appealing salaries and very desirable working conditions. Statistics is a broad discipline that includes:

  • data acquisition
  • analysis
  • modeling
  • risk assessment

In addition, many popular algorithms in artificial intelligence (AI) are based on statistical methodologies.

Our program prepares students for careers in industry, government, and business, as well as graduate programs in statistics and other related fields. Our courses emphasize critical thinking and problem solving skills in data analysis and conceptual understanding. The statistics major includes a core set of courses in statistical theory and computational statistics.

Elective courses cover specific areas of statistical techniques, for example, programming with popular software. Students learn to apply statistical techniques to a variety of application areas including medicine, finance, public policy, and information technology. Students have the opportunity to work independently with faculty in areas of interest and publish or present results from these projects and activities.

Courses and Curriculum

Prerequisite Chart for Statistics
Mathematics Course Schedule


What you'll learn

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Foundations in Statistical Theory
For example: regression analysis, design of experiments, and mathematical statistics.
College of Distinction
College of Distinction
Bloomsburg has earned national recognition as a College of Distinction, honored for its quality and high-impact practices.
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Applications with real data
Such as clinical data analysis and modeling financial data.

Statistics Contacts

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