Melissa Cheese, Ed.D.


Melissa Cheese, Associate Professor of Reading and Mindfulness Practice
Associate Professor of English

BA Computer Science, State University of New York at Albany
MS Educational Administration, State University of New York at Albany
EdD Literacy, Hofstra University

Contact Information
Office Hours


9:20 AM - 9:50 AM

- In-Person or Virtual

10:55 AM - 12:55 PM

- In-Person or Virtual


11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

- In-Person or Virtual


11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

- In-Person or Virtual



Melissa Cheese, Ed.D., associate professor of English, was interviewed for a podcast titled “Promoting Student Success and Retention” on Future Insight in April. Future Insight, a monthly podcast for educators, explores national and international education trends, 21st century workforce demands, and current research relative to student college and career readiness. Additionally, in March she received the PA-NOSS Award for Outstanding Service to Developmental Students at the annual conference for the National Organization for Student Success.

Teaching and Research Interests

Dr. Cheese has worked diligently over the years to support initiatives that increase access to college and create opportunities for underprepared students to achieve success. Her research interests include studying and using language in its various forms to help students develop a better understanding of writing and reading as tools for learning and communicating. With a background in literacy and mindfulness, as well as a passion for storytelling, Dr. Cheese continues to use engagement with literature, via book clubs, to create safe spaces for meaningful exploratory dialogue.

Courses Taught

  • FYS100 - First Year Study
  • WRIT100 - Reading and Writing
  • WRIT101/102 - Foundations in Composition/Lab