Social worker with child

Social Work (BSW) Assessment

Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes

As of July 2022

The Assessment of Student Outcomes Form is used to assist the COA in the evaluation of the program’s compliance with the accreditation standards below:

  • 4.0.2 The program provides summary data and outcomes for the assessment of each of its competencies, identifying the percentage of students achieving the benchmark.
  • 4.0.4 The program uses Form AS 4 (B) and/or AS4 (M) to report assessment outcomes to its constituents and the public on its website and routinely updates (minimally every 2 years) these postings.

All Council on Social Work Education programs measure and report student learning outcomes. Students are assessed on their mastery of the competencies that comprise the accreditation standards of the Council on Social Work Education. These competencies are dimensions of social work practice that all social workers are expected to master during their professional training. A measurement benchmark is set by the social work programs for each competency. An assessment score at or above that benchmark is considered by the program to represent mastery of that particular competency.

Bloomsburg Program Assessment Plan (Option 1)

All students are assessed using a minimum of two measures on their mastery of the nine competencies that comprise the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards of the Council on Social Work Education and any additional competencies programs may choose to add. Summarize the program’s competency-based assessment plan. Programs may add/delete rows to accurately reflect the number of measures included in the data presented.

Assessment Measure #1: Field Internship Competency Assessment

Assessment Measures
Dimension(s) assessed:Knowledge, skills, values, cognitive/affective reactions
When/where students are assessed:Students are assessed upon completing their final internship at their agency.
Who assessed student competence:The student’s agency field supervisor
Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9:The minimum score indicative of achievement on the field competency assessment is a 2/3
Competency Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9:80% of graduating students will have an average rating of 2/3 or higher for competencies 1-9

Assessment Measure #2: Final Comprehensive Seminar Project Presentation

Assessment Measures
Dimension(s) assessed:Knowledge, cognitive/affective reactions
When/where students are assessed:Students are assessed on their seminar project presentation.
Who assessed student competence:The field liaison oversees the project and the presentation.
Outcome Measure Benchmark for Competencies 1-9:
- Minimum score indicative of achievement
The minimum score indicative of achievement on the final comprehensive exam is a 2/3
Competency Benchmark for Competencies 1-9:
- Percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures
80% of graduating students will have an average rating of 2/3 or higher for competencies 1-9

Lock Haven Program Assessment Plan (Options 2 & 4)

All students are assessed using a minimum of two measures on their mastery of the nine competencies that comprise the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards of the Council on Social Work Education and any additional competencies programs may choose to add. Summarize the program’s competency-based assessment plan. Programs may add/delete rows to accurately reflect the number measures included in the data presented.

Assessment Measure #1: Field Supervisor Evaluation

Assessment Measures
Dimension(s) assessed:All Competencies
When/where students are assessed:Field Placement
Who assessed student competence:Field Supervisor
Outcome Measure Benchmark for Competencies 1-9:
- Minimum score indicative of achievement
Competency Benchmark for Competencies 1-9:
- Percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures

Assessment Measure #2: Student Self-Evaluation

Assessment Measures
Dimension(s) assessed:All Competencies
When/where students are assessed:Field Placement
Who assessed student competence:Student Self-Evaluation
Outcome Measure Benchmark for Competencies 1-9:
- Minimum score indicative of achievement
Competency Benchmark for Competencies 1-9:
- Percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures

Mansfield Program Assessment Plan (Option 3)

All students are assessed using a minimum of two measures on their mastery of the nine competencies that comprise the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards of the Council on Social Work Education here at Mansfield University. The assessments take place in the form of a Final Field Evaluation that the Field Instructor completes during their 500-hour internship. The second assessment takes place in the form of a Practice Behavior Analysis where the learner is faced with ethical dilemmas that a social worker would face on a “typical day.” In a live role-play, the learner demonstrates social work “practice”. These individualized, unique scenarios are presented moments before the learner role-plays the scenarios. The other students participate as actors. The learner documents their day at the role-play conclusion. Below is a summary of the data collected in the spring semester of 2021. As evidenced below, the program has met the expected outcome measure benchmark for all competencies.

Assessment Measure #1: Field Education Evaluations

Assessment Measures
Dimension(s) assessed:Knowledge, skills, values, cognitive and affective processes
When/where students are assessed:Field Education senior year, final semester
Who assessed student competence:Field Instructors
Outcome Measure Benchmark for Competencies 1-9:
- Minimum score indicative of achievement
4/5 or 80% of all learners
Competency Benchmark for Competencies 1-9:
- Percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures
80% of learners are expected to meet minimum the benchmark for all competencies

Assessment Measure #2: Practice Behavior Analysis

Assessment Measures
Dimension(s) assessed:Knowledge, skills, values, cognitive and affective processes
When/where students are assessed:Field Seminar senior year, final semester
Who assessed student competence:Social Work Faculty
Outcome Measure Benchmark for Competencies 1-9:
- Minimum score indicative of achievement
4/5 or 80% of all learners
Competency Benchmark for Competencies 1-9:
- Percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures
80% of learners are expected to meet minimum the benchmark for all competencies
illustration of Carver Hall
illustration of Carver Hall

Outcome Measure Benchmarks

Indicate the benchmark percentage for each competency. The competency benchmark is the percent of students the program expects to have achieved both/all outcome measure benchmarks. Programs calculate the percentage of students achieving each outcome measure benchmark, then calculate the percentage of students achieving each competency inclusive of two or more measures for each program option. Programs with multiple program options must present data for each program option, and in aggregate inclusive of all program options per competency. Programs may add/delete columns to accurately reflect the number of program options offered. This is a required form. The assessment data table may be altered to accurately reflect the number of program options offered and additional program-developed competencies program. However, beyond these formatting alternations, the program may not alter the content of this form.

Assessment data collected during the academic year (2021-2022) for each program option and aggregate of all options:

Competency Benchmark (%)Aggregate of All Program Options
N = (88)
Program Option #1
In Person
N = (52)
Program Option #2
Lock Haven
In Person
N = (22)
Program Option #3
In Person
N = (14)
Program Option #4
Lock Haven
N = (0)
Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior
80%95%100%91%93%Inaugural year
Competency 2: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice
80%93%100%86%93%Inaugural year
Competency 3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice
80%92%98%87%90%Inaugural year
Competency 4: Engage in Practice -informed Research and Research - informed Practice
80%88%94%84%87%Inaugural year
Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice
80%91%98%85%91%Inaugural year
Competency 6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
80%93%99%84%95%Inaugural year
Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
80%92%98%83%95%Inaugural year
Competency 8: Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
80%92%97%83%95%Inaugural year
Competency 9: Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
80%90%91%84%95%Inaugural year

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